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If you have any queries or questions on the tours and experiences we deliver here at Trawey Tours, our expert team is on hand and ready to help. Browse our comprehensive list of frequently asked questions below, and feel free to reach out for any more detailed information you may need.  

No, you don’t need your passport.

Guests can wear seasonal clothing, according to their preferences. We suggest carrying jackets for cooler months, especially for evening safari experiences, as the desert can get cold. Closed shoes are recommended for all desert experiences. For Abu Dhabi Sightseeing Tours, guests are requested to follow local customs regarding dress code while visiting the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. Women must wear long, loose clothing with full sleeves, to ensure that their arms, legs, and head are fully covered. Please carry a scarf to cover your head. Men must not reveal any skin above their knees and their shoulders should be covered.

We suggest not bringing luggage on the tours, especially if you have opted for an experience with dune-bashing involved. However, if you have a special requirement, reach out to our team and we will find a suitable alternative.

Trawey's desert experience guides are qualified and have over 7 years of experience in the deserts of UAE. However, some activities are not recommended for infants, pregnant women, or those with special medical conditions. Please read the tour information carefully or reach out to our team if you have any questions.

Dune bashing is a popular activity in the UAE and is completely safe. For quad-biking, we recommend guests to start slow and build confidence. Our team is always at hand to guide you.

Kids who enjoy a memorable experience will enjoy the thrills of dune bashing, quad biking and sand boarding. Please note that some of these activities may not be suitable for infants. For a complete cultural experience for the family, we also recommend the sightseeing tours of Dubai or Abu Dhabi.

The camel ride is 5 minutes long.

The quad-bike ride is 30 minutes long.

Quad-biking in the open desert involves following your guide through the desert by a powerful 400 CC quad bike. It’s a really fun and adventurous experience.

Dune-bashing is a thrilling off-road adventure sport involving driving over sand dunes in a 4x4 vehicle. It typically lasts 30 minutes.

Yes, we provide pick-up and drop-off from most hotels in Dubai city limits.

By default, we offer pick-up and drop-off to the same point. Typically, this is the hotel or accommodation where you are staying. However, we can also offer a different drop-off point after your tour is completed. There may be additional charges of approximately 50 AED, depending on the final location.

Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to a tour for a full refund. To cancel your tour, please use our Conact Form with details of your booking.

Some of our evening tours offer BBQ dinner as a part of the experience. We offer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. If you have food allergies or dietary preferences, please contact us ahead of time for more details. Our team will try their best to accommodate your needs.

Yes, we can offer customised desert activities and sightseeing experiences in and around Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Please contact us via our form or Whatsapp.